The MSc offers many courses in 3 distinct directions which lead to specializations with several distinct subjects. As a consequence, lecturers of recognized prestige and experience are required in different fields of knowledge, ranging from computer science and telecommunications to computational biology, artificial intelligence and pedagogy. In order to present the quality of the research work of the faculty we exploit as indicators the number of their published articles as well as the number of reports of their research work as a whole. The average number of research publications per faculty member of the MSc is 45.5 and the average number of their citations is 1,199 (date of calculation: 30/9/2022), which indicates that the research work of MSc faculty members is significant and internationally recognized. Figures 1 and 2 show the number of citations and publications for MSc faculty by level. We note that even academic fellows and PhD holders who participate as faculty in the MSc programme, despite their short academic careers, accumulate a significant number of citations and publications on average, highlighting the rigorous criteria used in the selection process and, ultimately, the quality of the participants in the process. Finally, the quality of the external faculty members selected to participate in the teaching of the graduate program is also characteristic.  The broader presence of the University of Thessaly faculty members teaching at the MSc in international rankings is also noteworthy, as for example with the appearance of 4 faculty members in the list of international rankings. top 2% of scientists from various disciplines  but the presence of faculty members in the very honorable list of ISI Highly Cited Researchers  for several years.

Figure 1.  The distribution of reports by category of faculty in the MSc.

Figure 2.  The distribution of the number of scientific publications by category of the MSc.