Second Semester
7.5 ECTS

Georgios Demetriou, Georgios Floros

Teaching Staff:
Georgios Demetriou, Georgios Floros, Antonios Dadaliaris

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Software Development and Design


The course “Software Development and Design” is dedicated to high-level programming based on the C language. It is mainly aimed at those with little programming experience, for whom it is intended to introduce the C language. C is a high level language, and at the same time low level enough to be ideal for application development, especially system development, but also for teaching programming. The course teaches the data types supported by the language, from basic to the most complex, the language’s commands, expression, condition, option and iteration, and principles of structured programming, with loops, functions, recursions and pointers. The last lectures will also teach the basics of object-oriented programming, based on the C++ language, as well as selected software engineering topics.

1. Μαθαίνετε εύκολα C, Δημήτριος Καρολίδης, εκδ. Άβακας.
2. Μαθαίνετε εύκολα Python, Δημήτριος Καρολίδης, εκδ. Άβακας.
3. Εισαγωγή στον παράλληλο υπολογισμό, Γ. Πάντζιου, Β. Μάμαλης, Αλ. Τομαράς, εκδ. Νέων τεχνολογιών.
4. Βασικές Αρχές Τεχνολογίας Λογισμικού, I. Sommerville, εκδ. Κλειδάριθμος.

20% of the course requirements are covered by compulsory advanced programming exercises. 40% is covered by a compulsory written final examination. The remaining 50% (advisable sum 110) is covered either by additional basic programming exercises or by a large project (for those with more programming experience), which must be implemented on an open platform in a language covered by the course and presented at the end of the semester.