First Semester
7.5 ECTS

Konstantinos Kolomvatsos

Teaching staff:
Konstantinos Kolomvatsos

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Search Engines


The course of Search Engines deals with a set of technologies adopted for information retrieval and search in the Web. Information retrieval is a discipline that discusses the representation, storage, organization, and access to information items. Its main goal is to obtain information that might be useful or relevant to users’ requests. Initially, we introduce information retrieval as a scientific discipline and provide its principles. We discuss the main retrieval models for answering users’ queries as well as the methodologies for creating and maintaining the required indexes over the available documents. A set of methodologies have been proposed to match the available data against the incoming queries. In addition, Web space presents both problems and opportunities which differ from those in other domains. In addition, Web space presents both problems and opportunities which differ from those in other domains. Web search challenges are discussed in depth. We focus on the general architecture of search engines, presenting crawlers’ characteristics and their functionalities. The link analysis is the next part of the course that is adopted for providing the basis for the indexing of Web resources. We also describe how data are published on the Web in a way to provide usable information for search engines. Finally, we discuss the requirements for the retrieval of multimedia data and the challenges in mobile Web search.

1. Ceri, S., Bozzon, A., Brambilla, M., Della Valle, E., Fraternali, P., Quarteroni. S., ‘Web Information Retrieval’, Spinger, 2013
2. Manning, C., Raghavan, P., Schutze, H., ‘An Introduction to Information Retrieval’, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
3. Zhai, C., Massung, S., ‘Text Data Management and Analysis’, ACM, 2016.

Written Examination – Group Project